Sunday, August 5, 2012

Initial Stage

The harness for my EM-CON has arrived and I sent my Celica for installation and tuning. I left my car at 1 p.m. and was told I could pick up my car at 6 p.m.. When I went to pick it up it was not ready as my tuner just install all the wiring. I continue waiting there and we went out for tuning on a highway. As the tuning went on, I faced situations like engine dying and many settings that caused my car to underperform. After an hour, we head back to the shop.

AFR Gauge used in Airflow tuning
My tuner was very very unsatisfied. He told me that my Camcon is crashing with my EM-CON causing the full potential could not be achieved. The EM-CON could be malfunctioning too. I was not happy as it already cost me extra for a new harness. My tuner said it could not use usual setting and could not set the ignition timing to advance but could retard (error light is always flashing). He said he has never encounter such a case. In the end, it was getting late and I have to return next week to solve this problem.

When Glowing
Now, I am currently using Camcon to set the cam angle and EM-CON to monitor the airflow. Seems like a waste of the EM-CON to just monitor airflow while I can do this 2 with Camcon alone. The only good thing is I can save up on petrol. All the time I drive my Celica, I used Ron97 petrol (RM2.60/ltr) which is a burden. So, I asked to be tuned by using the cheaper Ron95 petrol (RM1.90/ltr). Now, I can achive a higher power and better response than before while using cheaper petrol. At least there is an addition of 5% increase in power.

Tuning  Laptop
Next week I have to check whether is the EM-CON damaged or not. I hope not as my tuner considered removing the Camcon and just run on EM-CON since these 2 is not working well together. I do not want to waste the Camcon and lose the ability to set the cam angle. Buying a secondhand EM-CON is turning to a horrible experience rather than a blessing.

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