Thursday, June 7, 2012

Finally Arrived

Summer has started for me and Summer has been my modding season for 2 years. So, this year it will be the same and I kick start with a decal. It has been some time since the registration of the Celica Club Malaysia and my president and some members feel that we should distinct ourselves with other owners. The first since the registration of the club is the car sticker on and now a new decal on the windscreen. I received my sticker last week and finally had time to stick it. After sticking, I felt it should be lower but I only have one sticker so I am going to have to face a lot of criticism. Here's the final product.

If you remember previously I posted about my wish to upgrade my air intake kit and I asked my mechanic about it and considering whether I should get one locally. However, I saw that the ways it is done in Malaysia is by using separate piping to get the shape desired or the original hose. I remembered seeing Celicas from other countries that uses a one piece piping and I was interested.

I then went online to eBay and looked quite some time for a suitable one. There were some brands that have plug and play open pod air intake kit for the Celica such as K&N, Injen and AEM. However it was all so expensive and I almost lost hope. Suddenly I stumbled upon an unknown brand and it cost only half of what those branded ones cost. So, I went ahead and ordered it straight from USA.

After one week of long waiting, it has finally arrived today and with Super GT coming this weekend, I was hoping to install it and test it during the convoy to the circuit. Luckily, it arrived just in time and I will install it on Saturday. I can't wait to test it out and hope that it will increase some power. Here's some photo of the package.

In the box
In bubble wrap
Complete Open Pod Air Intake Kit

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