Monday, September 2, 2019


The drama with the buyer of my Nissan Fairlady Z continues. It has been 3 months since the last payment from the buyer and one month after the buyer's friend agreed to settle the payment but did not. I prepared a document that indicates that I did not ask for payments but the buyer willingly transferred money to me. She would not sign the document and instead has since ghosted me and disappeared. My WhatsApp messages were not read and I could not call the buyer. It seems like my number was blocked by her. It is strange since the usual case is where the buyer paid but the seller ran away with the money. I had no choice but to resell my 350Z but before that, I need to protect myself. Upon my friends' advises, I made a police report to tell my side of the story and protect my interest. After that, I re-post my ad online but at a lower price. This time I widen my post range and posted in a few car groups on Facebook.

I had mix feelings when facing this situation. On one hand, I am glad that I could finally move on with the sales of my 350Z. It was a gruesome 4 months to wait and wonder every day when I will receive my payment. There is also the opportunity cost of buying my next target car. Whenever there is a nice unit for sale within my budget, I could not proceed because I do not have the money as my 350Z has not been sold. It was not great for me because I just wish I had the money. On the other hand, I have to go through the whole selling process again. There is a sudden surge of 350Z selling on Facebook and most of them are letting go at dirt prices. It is as if they are all desperate and this makes me unable to sell anywhere near the previous price sold. I had a potential buyer that viewed the car and he likes it but it was too expensive for him. The next week, he got himself a cheaper unit.

It was also disappointing for me when I had to wait a long time before someone comes to view my 350Z and only to tell me it is too expensive. Most of the 350Z that I have seen for sale in the market are stock units. Of course, the automatic variants are cheaper but there are many manual models that are cheaper than me. Those units seem attractive because of new paint and a great body kit but there is no performance part. My 350Z seems dull in comparison due to its fading paint and common looks but my selling point is that I had spent a large sum to make it drives perfectly and also the rare performance parts inside. If someone were to test my 350Z, it would become obvious that it drives perfectly. I hope I could sell it soon and proceed with the next stage in my driving life.

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