When you own a JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) car, it would make sense to buy accessories or modification from Japan. This is especially true when you drive a JDM sports car and fill your car with goods from Japan. However, for owners that could just afford the car but still wanna mod, the solution would be to get replica from other countries or source locally. I finally found someone to send my beat up carbon fiber hood for repair. While I was there I asked the person that sells carbon fiber hood where most hoods sold in the market are from and he told me its mostly from Taiwan.
Celica C-One Ver. 2 Hood - my hood design |
I knew that Taiwan is one of the biggest suppliers of parts besides Japan but to completely overshadow the Japanese supplier seems unthinkable. Now, many people considers price but my biggest concern is the weight and finishing since it is carbon fiber that we are talking about. I was told that it cost a fraction of price with 80% finishing of a Japanese counterpart but it is slightly heavier than the Japanese one. I tried to carry one of the hoods in that person's shop and although it is fully carbon it still is heavier than I thought.
Celica Veilside FF-GT Hood |
The reason I would consider buying a carbon fiber part especially hoods is for the weight saving, durability and the racy design. There would not be a point to get a heavier and lower quality product but the price difference itself is incentive enough. Plus, it is more difficult to find one from Japan especially products from C-ONE that went bankrupt a few years back. This could really justify buying parts from Taiwan instead. However, I am considered lucky being able to find an original carbon fiber hood from Japan. Although it is really banged up, it is well made and most importantly very light. I can't wait for mine to be done and send it for painting.
Celica Invader Hood |
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