Wednesday, September 4, 2013

She's Back

After 2 months and more at the workshop causing me countless trips, looking for parts, my Celica is finally back to me. Before today, the workshop called me to retrieve the car and attempted to send the car to me but there were some problems. The third time is the charm because finally it is handed back to me without a problem. The first attempt I went to the workshop to collect the car but as soon as I drove the car I noticed something is amiss. Firstly, the speedometer is not moving, both my analog and digital one. Secondly, the handbrake light is on no matter the handbrake is on or off. Thirdly, my manual mode is blinking which is not the first time and certainly never a good thing. Lastly, the aircond is not working with no cold air at all. Immediately, I made an U-turn and return the car back to the workshop. I told the mechanic off for wasting my time as the owner of the workshop told me the car is ready.

The second time he attempted to deliver the car to avoid me telling them off in case the car is not ready again. Everything from the previous attempt is solved but just as expected, something went awry. The aircond died while on the way to my place. The owner had to return back to his workshop to wait for it. Another few days has gone by and finally today he delivered the Celica back to me. I have been told that my aircond pump is the source of its aircond problem. I checked for everything and with a breath of relieve, it is all good. It is very obvious where the hood, roof, boot and spoiler looks a different tone with the other parts having new paint. Now that the car is done, I can finally move to the next step. I have to look for the perfect rim as it is using 2 different sizes and the de-mod to prepare the car to be sold off. The sooner I can finish these task, the sooner I could sell it and clear some garage space.

New Fog light giving it an aggressive stare compare to previous white one.
Different set of rims 

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